Publications by NWRAG
List of publications, posters, and presentations made on behalf of NWRAG
List of publications, posters, and presentations made on behalf of NWRAG
- Jackson, M.J., Patvardhan, C., Wallace, F., Martin, A., Yusuff. H., Briggs, G., Malik, R.A. (2016), 'Perioperative management of diabetes in elective patients: a region-wide audit'. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2016.
- North West Research and Audit Group (NWRAG). A trainee led research network in the North West Deanery. Patvardhan C, Jackson M & Nightingale P RCoA Bulletin, March 2014.
- Implementation of a successful trainee-led regional-wide journal club #journalclubandbeer. Shorrock P, Jackson M & Plummer N. HENW Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education Conference, Liverpool 2015
- Predictors of LV Dysfunction in patients with Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. Harrison O, Burnand C, Lewis H, Loveridge R & Patvardhan C. EuroNeuro 2014, 8th Update in Neuro-Anaesthesia & Neuro-Intensive Care Meeting, Istanbul 2014
- Improving Trainee Research Opportunities in Clinical Governance and Research Projects. Lewis H, Lie J, Jackson M & Patvardhan C. International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care, Paris 2014
- Improving Trainee Anaesthetist Opportunities Improving Opportunities in Clinical Governance and Research Projects. Patvardhan C, Jackson M & Lie J. Future in Health Conferene, London 2013
- Cumulative radiation dose in long stay critically ill patients on a cardiothoracic intensive care unit. A radiation safety issue? Patvardhan C, Bassett M & Malagon I. ACTA, Nottingham 2013
- Predictors of LV Dysfunction in patients with Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. Harrison O, Burnand C, Lewis H, Loveridge R & Patvardhan C. Turkish Journal of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation EuroPaper 2014 Poster Presentations P93
- Poor North West anaesthetic clinician knowledge of the perioperative management of elective patients with diabetes mellitus. Martin A, Jackson M, Wallace F, Briggs G, Patvardhan C & Malik R. BJA 2014 113 (2): 317P-333P. doi: 10.1093/bja/aeu190
- Diagnosing brain death. Jackson M, Coleman L, Wilson A, Hanison J & Horner D. Anaesthesia 2016; 71: 232
- The effects of dexmedetomidine on postoperative pain. Shorrock P, Heaton T, Cochrane N, Jackson M, Lund K & Plummer N
Anaesthesia 2015; 70 (3): 372. doi: 10.1111/anae.13033 - Avoiding awareness in Caesarean sections under general anaesthesia. Jackson M, McCormack V, Shorrock P, Lie J, Hanison J, Baylis C, Leech M, Scott A, Plummer N & Blomeley S. BJA 2015; 114 (3): 530-531. doi: 10.1093/bja/aev020
- Does fasting time alter fluid responsiveness after induction of anaesthesia? - Hanison J, Wythe S, Lund K, Asen S, Shorrock P, Williams B & Jackson M. BJA 2015; 114 (3): 533. doi: 10.1093/bja/aev025
- Procedural sedation and analgesia for adults in the emergency department - Tyrrell-Marsh I, Shorrock P, Plummer N, Simmons H , Lund K & Jackson M. BMJ 2014; 348 doi: (Published 8 May 2014)
- Spinal catheter observer effect; Surgical technique - Lomas J-P, Jackson M, Martin A, Pasha T, Patvardhan C & Ramsaran R
BJA 2014 112 (5): 945-946 (doi: 10.1093/bja/aeu124